Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the chert unit of the Semanggol Formation

Author : Basir Jasin and Zaitun Harun
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 103-109
Volume Number : 53
Year : 2007

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 53, June 2007, pp. 103 – 109


Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the chert unit of the Semanggol Formation

Basir Jasin and Zaitun Harun

Pusat Pengajian Sains Sekitaran dan Sumber Alam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Abstract: Excavation of rocks in the Semanggol Formation exposed more rock succession, making it feasible to study in detail the stratigraphical distribution of the rocks, their age and relationship among the units in the formation. Five Permian and four Triassic radiolarian biozones were recognized. Discovery of Permo-Triassic radiolarian faunas indicates the chert unit is partly equivalent in age to the rhythmite and conglomerate units. The chert unit is divided into eight sedimentary facies, which were deposited in an open-deep marine environment under the influence of different transport mechanisms It is evident that there were widespread volcanogenic sediments prior to the deposition of the chert in the Semanggol Formation.

Abstrak: Pengorekan batuan di Formasi Semanggol telah mendedahkan lebih banyak jujukan batuan yang membolehkan kajian terperinci sebaran stratigrafi, usia, dan hubungan unit-unit dalam formasi ini. Lima biozon Perm dan empat biozon Trias radiolaria telah dikenal pasti. Penemuan radiolaria Perm dan Trias menunjukkan unit rijang ini sebahagiannya setara dengan unit berirama dan konglomerat. Unit rijang boleh dibahagikan kepada lapan fasies endapan yang diendapkan dalam sekitaran samudera laut dalam di bawah pengaruh mekanisme pengankutan yang berbeza. Bukti juga menunjukkan kewujudan endapan volkanogen yang meluas sebelum berlakunya pengendapan rijang Formasi Semanggol.