Characteristics of Leachate at the Air Hitam Sanitary Landfill in Puchong, Selangor

Author : Norlailatul Zuraidah Mohd Radzuan, W.Z.W. Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin & A. Ghani Rafek
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 41-46
Volume Number : 51
Year : 2005

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 51, June 2005, pp. 41 – 46


Characteristics of Leachate at the Air Hitam Sanitary Landfill in Puchong, Selangor

Norlailatul Zuraidah Mohd Radzuan, W.Z.W. Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsudin & A. Ghani Rafek

Environmental Program, Department of Environmental Science and Earth Resources, School of Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan


Abstract: The Air Hitam sanitary landfill in Puchong, Selangor currently receives 3000 ton/day of solid waste. The landfill has been in operation since November 1995, in what was formerly a valley area. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics for leachate from lined landfill in helping to develop more useful quality leachate database for other landfills where leachate treatment must be designed in advance. The composition of leachate varied depending mainly upon their sampling points. It was found that the leachates possessed a typical characteristic; that is young leachate (AH3) at Air Hitam sanitary landfill was generally characterized by higher values of leachate characteristics. The concentrations of Na+ and K+ were exceptionally high, 8160 – 20166.7 mg/l for Na+ and 3416.333 to 7916.667 mg/I for K+. Heavy metal concentrations were found to be relatively low for Mn (0.001 – 0.005 mg/I), Cd (0.002 – 0.006 mg/I), Cu (0.046 – 0.095 mg/I) and Cr (0.046 – 0.175 mg/I) while those of Fe (1.447 – 3.627 mg/l), Zn (0.110 – 0.242 mg/l), Pb (0.050 – 0.217 mg/I) and Ni (0.085 – 0.167 mg/l) were relatively higher. The values of sulfate also varied for leachate samples with values between 218.75 to 993.75mg/l. The concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen in leachate samples were 107.5 up to 419.17 mg/l. Although heavy metals determined were comparatively low and heterogeneously distributed in and around the landfill, the site is a source of contaminants to the monsoon drains and directly to the river. Low COD value was found in ground water sample indicating that the groundwater was not polluted by leachate at the Air Hitam sanitary landfill.


Abstrak: Tapak pelupusan sisa pepejal (TPSP) bersih Air Hitam di Puchong, Selangor menerima sisa pepejal sebanyak 3000 tan per hari. TPSP yang dahulunya merupakan kawasan lembah teIah beroperasi sejak November 1995. Objektif kajian ini adalah menentukan ciri-ciri cecair larut lesap di TPSP yang mempunyai sistem alas untuk membantu membina lebih banyak lagi data kualiti cecair larut lesap yang berguna supaya dapat membina sistem rawatan cecair larutlesap yang lebih berkesan. Hasilnya, komposisi sampel cecair larut lesap yang diperolehi adalah pelbagai bergantung kepada titik persampelan. Kepekatan Na+ dan K+ adalah sangat tinggi iaitu, 8160 – 20166.7 mg/I untuk Na+ dan 3416.333 -7916.667 mg/I untuk K+. Kepekatan logam berat-Iogam berat yang dikaji adalah agak rendah iaitu Mn (0.001 – 0.005 mg/l), Cd (0.002 – 0.006 mg/I), Cu (0.046 – 0.095 mg/l) dan Cr (0.046 – 0.175 mg/l) rnanakala untuk Fe (1.447 – 3.627 mg/l), Zn (0.110 – 0.242 mg/l), Pb (0.050 – 0.217 mg/l) dan Ni (0.085 – 0.167 mg/l) nilai yang diperolehi agak tinggi. Kepekatan total sulfat dalam sampel cecair larutlesap ialah 218.75 sehingga 993.75mg/l. Kepekatan ammonia nitrogen dalam sampel cecair larut lesap pula ialah 107.5 sehingga 419.17 mg/l. Walaupun kepekatan logam-Iogam berat adalah rendah dan tidak homogenus kelimpahannya sama ada di dalam atau di sekitar TPSP, tetapi kawasan kajian merupakan sumber logam berat yang masuk ke dalam sistem saliran dan masuk secara terus ke dalam sungai berhampiran.  Nilai COD yang rendah (3.0 mg/l) di dalam sampel air bawah tanah menunjukkan air bawah tanah tidak tercemar dengan cecair larut lesap dan sistem alas TPSP Air Hitam adalah berkesan.