Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 48, June 2004, pp. 91-95
1School of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan
2Specific Resources Sdn Bhd., PO Box 49, 27207 Kuala Lipis, Pahang Darul Makmur
Abstract: A brachiopod fauna has been recently discovered in dark grey calcareous shale at Penjom, near Kuala Lipis, Pahang. The fauna consists of Peltichia kwangtungensis (Zhan), ?Peltichia sp., Semibrachythyrina rhombiformis Shen & He, Semibrachythyrina sp., ?Spiriferellina sp., ?Anchorhynchia sp., ?Acosarina sp., Derbyia sp. and unidentified meekellid, rhynchonellid and productid. The brachiopod faunal assemblage suggests a Late Permian (early Changhsingian) age to the calcareous shale bed and the associated limestone in the block below the Penjom thrust. The brachiopod genus Peltichia Jin & Liao is reported for the first time in Malaysia.
Abstrak: Fauna brakiopod telah ditemui dalam lapisan syal berkapur kelabu gelap di Penjom, berhampiran Kuala Lipis, Pahang. Fauna ini mengandungi Peltichia kwangtungensis (Zhan), ?Peltichia sp., Semibrachythyrina rhombiformis Shen & He, Semibrachythyrina sp., ?Spiriferellina sp., ?Anchorhynchia sp., ?Acosarina sp., Derbyia sp. dan spesies meekellid, rhynchonellid dan productid yang tidak boleh dikenalpasti. Himpunan fauna brakiopod mencadangkan usia Perm Akhir (awal Changhsingian) bagi syal berkapur dan batu kapur pada blok bawah sesar sungkup Penjom. Brakiopod genus Peltichia Jin & Liao dilaporkan buat pertama kalinya di Malaysia.