Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 14, Dec. 1981, pp. 1 – 18
(Sarawak Shell Berhad, Lutong, Sarawak)
Abstract: The Baram Delta Province constitutes a relatively small part of Sarawak‘s offshore acreage in East Malaysia, but contains the bulk of oil reserves so far discovered by Shell in their contract area.
These reserves are distributed over 11 fields of which only one, the Miri field, discovered in 1910, is situated on land.
The Baram Delta depocentre developed during the Late Eocene and from early Middle Miocene onwards is characterized by various regressive phases of clastic sedimentation.
The tectonic style of the Baram Delta shows the interaction of two types of deformation:
(a) gravity induced growth faults, generally hading to the north and arcuate in shape.
(b) compressional folds with NE-SW trending axes which originated during late Upper Miocene.
All fields are located at the intersection of the growth faults and the anticlinal trends.