The contribution of technical ceramic to iron smelting production at Sungai Batu, Bujang Valley, Kedah

Warta Geologi, Vol. 46, No. 2
Author : Naizatul Akma Mohd Mokhtar, Mokhtar Saidin
Publication : Warta Geologi
Page : 99 - 106
Volume Number : 46
Year : 2020

Warta Geologi, Vol. 46, No. 2, August 2020, pp. 99–106


The contribution of technical ceramic to iron smelting
production at Sungai Batu, Bujang Valley, Kedah


Naizatul Akma Mohd Mokhtar*, Mokhtar Saidin

Centre of Global Archaeological Research, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

* Corresponding author email address:


Iron smelting sites at Sungai Batu, Bujang Valley are dated from 788 – 537
BCE (Beta-516413) until 15th Century CE. The evidence of 17 sites found with
the abundance of iron slags and other artefacts clearly show that a large scale
of iron-smelting industry existed in Bujang Valley. The term ‘technical
ceramics’ refers generally to any ceramics used in metallurgical or other
high-temperature operations. The technical ceramic found in archaeological
sites can be classified as furnace, tuyere and brick. They were made from clay
and play different roles for iron smelting process. This article will discuss
the significant of technical ceramic regarding the impact of iron production.
The methods consist of collecting sample from archaeological site, augering
sample and scientific analysis such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray
diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopes-energy dispersive X-ray
(SEM-EDX) analysis. The following discussion will further explain the selection
of material and particular shapes in enhancing the iron smelting process at Sungai
Batu. The result demonstrate that the technical ceramics were made from the
locally available with some sand as temper.


Technical ceramics, iron smelting, Bujang Valley, tuyere, furnace



Abstrak: Tapak
peleburan besi di Sungai Batu, Lembah Bujang berusia dari 535 Sebelum Masihi
hingga kurun ke-15 Masihi. Bukti 17 tapak yang dijumpai dengan sisa besi dan
artifak lain jelas menunjukkan bahawa industri besi berskala besar wujud di
Lembah Bujang, Istilah ‘seramik teknikal’ secara umum merujuk kepada seramik
yang digunakan dalam operasi mertalugi atau operasi lain yang menggunakan suhu
tinggi. Seramik teknikal yang terdapat di tapak arkeologi dapat
diklasifikasikan sebagai relau, tuyere dan bata. Artifak ini diperbuat daripada
tanah liat dan mempunyai fungsi yang berbeza dalam proses peleburan besi.
Artikel ini akan membincangkan kepentingan seramik teknikal terhadap
penghasilan besi. Kaedah analisis melibatkan pengumpulan sampel dari lapangan,
penggerudian cetek dan analisis saintifik secara pendarfluor sinar-X (XRF),
pembelauan sinar-X (XRD) dan mikroskop electron-sinar X penyebaran tenaga
(SEM-EDX). Perbincangan juga akan menjelaskan lebih lanjut pemilihan bahan dan
bentuk tertentu dalam meningkatkan proses peleburan besi di Sungai Batu. Hasil
kajian menunjukkan bahawa seramik teknikal diperbuat dari kawasan tempatan dengan
sedikit pasir sebagai bajaan.




0126–5539; e-ISSN 2682-7549