Bibliography and Index of GSM Bulletin 1994-2004: AUTHOR INDEX

Author : Robert B. Tate
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 161 - 165
Volume Number : 50
Year : 2007
DOI : bgsm2007_2d

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 50, May 2007, 165 p.

Bibliography and Index of GSM Bulletin 1994-2004

Compiled by Robert Tate

The Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM) is a major contributor to the advancement in the knowledge of geology in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Papers in geology and related fields are published in the Society’s Bulletin series as well as the GSM Newsletter and Warta Geologi. Malaysia and Southeast Asia are the main geographical areas of research of these papers, although papers on other regions are not exluded. This volume, Bulletin 50, contains lists of all the Societies publications between 1994 and 2004 and with Bulletin 34 presents a complete list of publicatioms since the Society‘s inception in 1967.

Citations in this bibliography and index include full papers from the Buletin and the Geological Notes section of the GSM Newsletter and Warta Geologi as well as abstracts of papers presented in the seminars, conferences and symposiums organised by the Society.

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