Warta Geologi Volume 37, No 2

Author : Geological Society of Malaysia
Publication : Volume : 37
Page : Apr-Jun 2011
Volume Number : 37
Year : 2011
DOI : ngsm201102

PERTEMUAN PERSATUAN (Meetings of the Society)
45th Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner 2011
-Minutes of the 44th Annual General Meeting
-President’s Report
-Secretary’s Report
-Assistant Secretary’s Reports
-Editor’s Report
-Treasurer’s Report
-Auditor’s Report
-Proposed Item for GSM 45th AGM submitted by K.M. Leong
-Announcement of New Council for 2011/2012
National Geoscience Conference 2011 (NGC2011)
-Kata Aluan Menteri Besar Johor
-Kata Aluan President Persatuan Geologi Malaysia
-Sekapur Sirih Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Mineral & Geosains
Tan Boon Kong: Geology and Tunnelling in Malaysia
Azhari bin Mohamed: Where on Earth are we now?
Dialogue on the Future and Challenges of Earth Scientist in Malaysia
Keahlian (Membership)
GSM Photographic Competition 2011
PROFIL (Profile)
MSc Petroleum Geoscience at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
BERITA LAIN (Other News)
Talk organized by Total E&P, Malaysia: Paul Tapponnier — Continental deformation and large-scale evolution of basins in Eastern Asia: An update
Upcoming Events
First EAGE South-East Asia Regional Geology Workshop: Workshop on Palaeozoic Limestones of South-East Asia and South China