Warta Geologi Volume 32, No 3

Author : Geological Society of Malaysia
Publication : Volume : 32
Page : May-Jun 2006
Volume Number : 32
Year : 2006
DOI : ngsm2006003


CATATAN GEOLOGI (Geological Notes)
Joy Jacqueline pereira, Zuhairi Abd Hamid & Suhaili Ismail: Mineral security in construction – Issues and challenges for sustainable development
PERTEMUAN PERSATUAN (Meetings of the Society)
Kenji Satake: The Asian Tsunami of 2004: Observation and numerical simulation
KL Explorationist monthly technical talks
Persidangan Geosains Nasional 2006 / National Geoscience Conference 2006
-Welcoming Address by the Organizing Chairman Prof Madya Samsudin Hj Taib
-Speech by GSM President Prof Dr Lee Chai Peng
-Ucapan Aluan oleh Ketua Jabatan Geologi Universiti Malaya Prof Dr Wan Hasiah Abdullah
-Keynote Address by Prof Dr Wan Hasiah Abdullah
-Ucapan Perasmian oleh Y.B. Tuan Haji Yunus Abdul Razak, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Mineral & Geosains Malaysia
-Abstract of Papers
GeoAsia Conference 2006
-Welcome address by GSM President Prof Dr Lee Chai Peng
-Abstract of Papers
Pertukaran alamat (Change of address)
Current Address Wanted
Pertambahan Baharu Perpustakaan (New Library Additions)
BERITA LAIN (Other News)
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