Warta Geologi Volume 31, No 1

Author : Geological Society of Malaysia
Publication : Volume : 31
Page : Jan-Feb 2005
Volume Number : 31
Year : 2005
DOI : ngsm2005001


CATATAN GEOLOGI (Geological Notes)
H.D. Tjia & Koay Leong Thye: Effects of the 26-Dec-2004 Indian Ocean earthquake
Robert B. Tate: Wallace in Kuching
PERTEMUAN PERSATUAN (Meetings of the Society)
Peter Lloyd: The quest for energy
Anida Muzamdar: Sulfur cycle through Neoproterozoic and Cambrian: Studies on sulphur and oxygen isotopic studies of chemogenic sediments from India
Lau Yin Leong: The Corundum (Ruby & Sapphire) Mines of Mogok, Myanmar
MSIA-GSM Saturday Morning Technical Talks
Rob Gawthorpe: Tectono-sedimentary evolution of rift basins
Keahlian (Membership)
Pertukaran Alamat (Change of Address)
Pertambahan Baharu Perpustakaan (New Library Additions)
BERITA LAIN (Other News)
Interviews: Mr. P. Loganathan; Mr. Denis Tan & Dr. Peter H. Stauffer
Opinions: Abdul Ras id Jaapar: Issues in redefi nition of GSM (Part III: SWOT analys is and branding GSM)
Letter from GSA President
Up Coming Events

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