Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 49, April 2004, pp. 71 – 78
1School of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor
2Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract: A revision on the Palaeozoic lithostratigraphy of east Johor has been made. The Palaeozoic of east Johor comprises of the Mersing Formation, Murau Formation, Dohol Formation, Linggiu Formation, Sedili Volcanic, Jasin Volcanic and Pengerang Tuff. The pre-Permian Mersing Formation, the oldest known rock unit is entirely made up of metamorphosed sedimentary rock of shallow marine origin. Unconformably overlying this unit is the Murau Formation which developed in a small continental faulted basin. The siliciclastic Dohol Formation containing late Early to early Middle Permian Sumalayang limestone as well as the Late Permian Linggiu Formation are also unconformably overlying the Mersing Formation, as are the volcanic units of Pengerang Tuff, Sedili and Jasin Volcanics. The three volcanic units are thought to be contemporaneous and are closely related to the Early to Middle Permian Dohol Formation and the overlying Late Permian Linggiu Formation. The absence of volcanic clasts in the Murau Formation indicates that the later is a pre-volcanic, hence pre-late Early Permian formation. The shallow marine Linggiu Formation and the associated volcanic rocks are the youngest Palaeozoic formation in east Johor.
Abstrak: Penilaian semula terhadap litostratigrafi Paleozoik Johor timur telah dilakukan. Batuan Paleozoik Johor timur terdiri daripada Formasi Mersing, Formasi Murau, Formasi Dohol, Formasi Linggiu, Volkanik Sedili, Volkanik Jasin dan Tuf Pengerang. Batuan pra-Perm Formasi Mersing merupakan batuan tertua yang terbentuk oleh batuan sedimen termetamorf asalan enapan laut cetek. Batuan Formasi Murau terbentuk dalam lembangan sesar daratan, menindih tak selaras di atas Formasi Mersing. Batuan silisiklastik Formasi Dohol yang mengandungi batu kapur Sumalayang (akhir Perm Awal – awal Perm Tengah) serta Formasi Linggiu (Perm Akhir) juga menindih tak selaras di atas Formasi Mersing. Unit-unit batuan volkanik lain iaitu Tuf Pengerang, Volkanik Sedili dan Volkanik Jasin juga menindih tak selaras di atas Formasi Mersing. Ketiga-tiga unit batuan volkanik ini dikatakan berkembang pada sela masa yang hampir sama dan berkait rapat dengan Formasi Dohol yang berusia Perm Awal hingga Perm Tengah dan Formasi Linggiu yang berusia Perm Akhir. Ketiadaan klas volkanik dalam Formasi Murau mencadangkan formasi ini berusia pra-volkanik atau pra-akhir Perm Awal. Enapan laut cetek Formasi Linggiu dan batuan volkanik yang berasosiasi dengannya adalah unit litostratigrafi Paleozoik termuda di timur Johor.
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