Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 46, May 2003, pp. 111 – 114
Department of Environmental Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor
Email: mkamil@fsas.upm.edu.my
Abstract: This study was conducted in the area of logged-over tropical forest in Pasoh Forest Reserve, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. The attempt of this study was to investigate and observe soil erosion of a logged-over tropical forest. Soil erosion was monitored by using erosion pins at five unbounded research grids in a 100 m x 100 m research plot for 154 days. The occurrence of soil erosion and soil deposition were observed. Among the research grids, the maximum soil erosion was 14.6 mm and the maximum soil deposition was 7.2 mm. The forms of soil erosion that occurred were sheet erosion and splash erosion. Generally, the pattern of soil erosion varied significantly between one location and another within the plot. However, the pattern of erosion at one location did not change significantly with time.
Abstrak: Kajian ini dijalankan di kawasan hutan tropika yang pernah dibalak di Hutan Simpanan Pasoh, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan memerhati hakisan tanah di kawasan tersebut. Hakisan tanah diawasi dengan mengguna pin hakisan di lima lokasi grid bersaiz 100 m x 100 m untuk tempoh 154 hari. Hakisan dan pemendapan tanah telah diawasi. Di kalangan grid-grid kajian, hakisan tanah maksimum ialah 14.6 mm dan pemendapan tanah maksimum ialah 7.2 mm. Jenis hakisan tanah yang berlaku ialah hakisan kepingan dan hakisan percikan. Secara umumnya, bentuk hakisan tanah berbeza di antara suatu lokasi dengan lokasi-Iokasi yang lain di dalam plot kajian. Namun begitu, bentuk hakisan tanah di sesuatu lokasi tidak berubah dengan nyata mengikut masa.
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