Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 45, May 2002, pp. 345 – 350
Program Geologi, Pusat Pengajian Sains Sekitaran dan Sumber Alam, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstrak: Batuan metasedimen bergred rendah berusia Karbon di Pulau Kapas telah mengalami canggaan yang menghasilkan lipatan ketat menunjam ke arah selatan-tenggara (STG) atau utara-baratlaut (UBL). Pada zon tertentu terdapat lipatan ketat yang terbalik disempadani oleh sesar songsang atau sungkup. Sungkupan ke arah barat-baratdaya adalah yang dominan, manakala ke timur-timurlaut ditafsirkan sebagai sungkup-belakang. Canggaan seterusnya menghasilkan sesaran mendatar dekstral berarah hampir utara-selatan yang turut melibatkan konglomerat yang ditafsirkan berusia Perm. Sistem tegasan dengan mampatan arah timur-timurlaut sekali lagi dialami oleh kawasan ini, menerbitkan sesaran mendatar dekstral dan sinistral yang diakhiri dengan rejahan daik dolerit. Sistem tegasan dengan mampatan dari arah tenggara-baratlaut mengakhiri canggaan kawasan ini yang menerbitkan sesaran hampir utara-selatan dengan gerakan sinistral. Sistem tegasan ini juga telah mengaktifkan semula sesar utara-selatan yang sudah sedia wujud dengan gerakan sinistral.
Abstract: The Carboniferous low grade metasedimentary rocks in Pulau Kapas have suffered deformation that produced tight folds plunging towards north-northwest (NNW) or south-southeast (SSE). Within certain zones, the tight folds are overturned and bounded by reverse or thrust faults. The thrusting towards west-southwest (WSW) are dominant while towards east-northeast (ENE) are interpreted as a result of backthrust. The following deformation was responsible for the developments of the dextral north-south faults which also cut the supposed Permian conglomerate in the area. Subsequently, the area was affected by a compression from east-northeast, resulting in the formation of dextral and sinistral lateral faults followed by the intrusion of dolerite dyke trending about ENE. Lastly a stress system with a southeast-northwest compression produced almost north-south sinistral lateral fault displacing the ENE dyke. This stress system was also responsible for the reactivation of movement on the pre-existing north-south faults.