Palynomorph assemblage from Keratong, Pahang: its age and emergence of angiospermlike pollen

Author : Uyop Said
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 179-184
Volume Number : 45
Year : 2002

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 45, May 2002, pp. 179 – 184


Palynomorph assemblage from Keratong, Pahang: its age and emergence of angiospermlike pollen

Uyop Said

Program Geologi, Pusat Pengajian Sains Sekitaran & Sumber Alam, Fakulti Sains & Teknologi Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia


Abstract: The identified palynomorph assemblage from a rock sequence which is exposed at Felda Keratong 8, southeastern part of Pahang, resembles the Paradoxa Assemblage and it is suggested that its age is late Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian). The occurrence of monosuIcate pollen of Clavatipollenites hughesii indicates that the emergence of angiosperms has taken place during the deposition of the sediments in this area.

Abstrak: Himpunan palinomorf yang dikenal pasti dari jujukan batuan yang tersingkap di Felda Keratong 8, bahagian tenggara Pahang, mempunyai persamaan dengan Himpunan Paradoxa dan dicadangkan usianya sebagai akhir Kapur Awal (Barremian-Albian). Kehadiran polen jenis monosulkat Clavatipo/lenites hughesii menunjukkan kemunculan angiosperma semasa pengendapan sedimen berlaku di kawasan ini.

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