Geophysical investigations of the hot spring occurrences in the Sungei Serai and Kampung Dusun Tua areas, Hulu Langat, Selangor

Author : Mohd Anuar Md. Razali
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 119-128
Volume Number : 42
Year : 1998

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 42, Dec. 1998, pp. 119 – 128

Geophysical investigations of the hot spring occurrences in the Sungei Serai and Kampung Dusun Tua areas, Hulu Langat, Selangor


Jabatan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia, Peti Surat 1015, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 30820 Ipoh, Perak


Abstract: At the request of the Director, Geological Survey Department of Selangor/W. Persekutuan, two geophysical surveys using regional gravity and transient electromagnetic (TEM) techniques were carried out at Hulu Langat area and Sg. Serai, Selangor. The objectives of the survey were to delineate major geological structures that may be associated with the occurrences of the hot springs in the area.

The regional gravity survey detected two major faults along part of Sungai Langat and Sungai Semenyih. These faults created a fractured zone. This fracture zone provided a conduit for the hot spring to seep through.

The TEM results indicate the presence of two conductive zones which are attributed to fractures within the bedrock. Future physical development at the sites should be implemented away from these conductive zones to avoid potential interference to these structures which have been identified as the pathways of the hot springs.


Abstrak: Atas permintaan Pengarah Kajibumi Selangor/W. Persekutuan, dua survei geofizik dengan menggunakan kaedah graviti rantau dan ‘transient elektromagnetic (TEM)‘ telah dilaksanakan di sekitar kawasan Hulu Langat dan Sg. Serai, Selangor. Objektif survei ini ialah untuk memetakan struktur geologi yang berkaitan dengan pembentukan kolam air panas.

Keputusan survei menunjukkan kaedah survei graviti rantau dapat mengesan dua struktur besar sesar di sepanjang Sungai Langat dan Sungai Semenyih. Sesar-sesar ini menghasilkan suatu zon rekahan. Zon-zon rekahan ini merupakan tempat pengeluaran air panas.

Keputusan survei TEM menunjukkan terdapatnya dua zon konduktif yang disebabkan rekahan di batuan dasar. Segala pembangunan yang akan dilakukan dikawasan zon konduktif ini patut dielakkan untuk tidak mengganggu struktur geologi yang merupakan laluan sumber air panas ini.

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