New value of displacement of Bok Bak fault and its implication on the Chuping limestone formation of Kedah and Perlis, Malaysia

Author : Syed Sheikh Almashoor
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 101-104
Volume Number : 39
Year : 1996

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 39, July 1996, pp. 101 – 104

New value of displacement of Bok Bak fault and its implication on the Chuping limestone formation of Kedah and Perlis, Malaysia


Jabatan Geologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi


Abstract: A recent discovery and definition of the extension of 82 kilometres of Bok Bak fault in north Kedah and Perlis makes way for a plausible interpretation of the amount of displacement of the fault. Based on the disposition of two pairs of correlatable rock-units which exhibit similarities in orientation, lithology and microfossil contents on opposite sides of the fault, the displacement is inferred to be about ten kilometres sinistrally. This interpretation has been carried out in an objective manner and therefore its outcome should prevail over earlier ones which are speculative in nature. Apparently the fault displaced Bukit Kepelu, Bukit Mulong and Bukit Kodiang in north Kedah from Bukit Chuping in central Perlis, and these hills are hereby thought to have been once a continuous rock unit of the Chuping limestone formation.


Abstrak: Penemuan baru dan penentuan unjuran sesar Bok Bak sepanjang 82 km di utara Kedah dan Perlis telah memungkinkan tafsiran mengenai nilai anjakan sesar dilakukan. Berdasarkan kedudukan dua pasang unit batuan yang serupa dari segi orientasi, litologi, dan kandungan mikrofosil di kedua-dua belah satah sesar, nilai anjakan ditafsirkan ke kiri sebanyak 10 kilometer. Tafsiran ini telah dilakukan secara objektif. Oleh itu nilai baru ini mengatasi nilai-nilai anjakan yang dicadangkan sebelum ini yang lebih bersifat spekulatif. Nampaknya sesar ini telah memisahkan Bukit Mulong dan Bukit Kodiang di utara Kedah dengan Bukit Chuping di tengah Perlis. Bukit-bukit ini dipercayai satu ketika dahulu pernah berselanjaran sebagai unit formasi batu kapur Chuping.