Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 13, Dec. 1980, pp. 57 – 62
Petronas, P.O. Box 2407, Kuala Lumpur
Abstract: The following types of metaquartzites from the Jerai Formation (Cambrian) can be distinguished – white metaquartzite, micaceous metaquartzite and calcareous-micaceous metaquartzite. The compositions of the white and micaceous metaquartzites overlap but the white variety appear to be generally more aluminous but less alkali-rich compared to the micaceous variety. The metaquartzites contain high K2O comparable to granitic rocks and indicating that the probable source rocks are acid igneous rocks. The Rb/Sr ratios of the metaquartzites also are comparable to the Main Range granites which give rise to the thought that the source may be similar crustal rocks.
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