Geochemical studies around the Tekka area, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia

Author : G.H. Teh
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 353-373
Volume Number : 11
Year : 1979

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 11, Dec, 1979, pp. 353 – 373

Geochemical studies around the Tekka Area, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia


Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut, Der Universitat Heidelberg, D·6900 Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 236, Postfach 104040, WEST GERMANY

 Abstract: This paper is concerned with the application of some geochemical methods to the establishment of certain multi-mineralic veins at Tekka which suboutcrop beneath a residual soil cover.

Soil samples, collected along three traverses on Tekka Hill, were analysed for tin, arsenic, cold-extractable and total fluoride, tungsten, copper, lead and zinc. The arsenic, cold-extractable and total fluoride and tungsten anomalies that were established correlate very well with the tin ones, and so these elements may well be useful pathfinders for tin deposits both at Tekka and in similar areas elsewhere. Determination of the fluoride content of soils as an aid to the search for suboutcropping mineral deposits has never before been investigated in Malaysia. The encouraging results obtained at Tekka give good reason for thinking that it could be usefully employed for this purpose, particularly if the rapid and economical cold-extractable method of analysis is employed.

Work at Tekka has also demonstrated that soil conductivity measurements facilitated the tracing of suboutcropping stanniferous sulphide deposits there, and so the use of this technique should be further investigated should mineralisation similar to that at Tekka occur elsewhere.

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