Some observations upon the tin deposits of Australia

Author : R.G. Taylor
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 181 – 207
Volume Number : 11
Year : 1979

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 11, Dec, 1979, pp. 181 – 207

Some observations upon the tin deposits of Australia


Dept. of Geology, James Cook University, QLD 4811; AUSTRALIA


Abstract: The Australian tin occurrences display a wide diversity in terms of environmental setting and types of deposit. The various provinces are discussed within the framework of a proposed international classification. The relationship between deposit type and broad geological setting is examined in terms of Precambrian-pegmatitic and orogenic-fold belt environments. Most of the Australian provinces fall into the deep volcanic/plutonic category although the plutonic-greisen style, and the volcanic styles are represented. Several exploration·models are incorporated within the environmental framework.

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