Multiple deformations at Bukit Cenering, Trengganu

Author : H.D. Tjia
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 15 – 24
Volume Number : 10
Year : 1978

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 10, Dec, 1978, pp. 15 – 24

Multiple Deformations at Bukit Cenering, Trengganu


Department of Geology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur


Abstract: An interfoliated series of metaclastics at Bukit Cenering displays cross-stratification, scour-fills, graded bedding (sometimes indicating overturning) and tectonic structures including ordinary to contorted foliations, crenulation lineation, lineation by intersections of slaty cleavage and foliation, mullions, regular to streaked quartz injections, thin and up to 8 metres wide mylonite zones in which are drag and rotation phenomena. Fault sense is further indicated by bruised steps, accretion steps, and fault roches moutonnees. All three fault types are present. Folding is tight and ranges from overturned to recumbent forms.

Two different stress systems with lateral maximum compression directions in the sectors N310°-325°E and N46°-72°E were responsible for the deformations. The N46°-72°E compression was the younger system; it folded the rocks around NNW-axes, tilted to almost vertical positions earlier-formed NE-striking folds, created NW-lineations as crenulations, caused reverse faulting towards northeast and strike-slip faulting along existing and newly-formed faults in directions compatible with the compression direction.

The older stress system is shown by overturned folds and NE-trending foliations, reverse faulting towards northwest and presently reoriented to east-striking foliations and thrust faults.

The two tectonic events are probably correlatable with Permian to Early Triassic diastrophism (indicated by East Coast granite ages) and Late Triassic to Early Jurassic orogenesis that affected almost the entire Malay Peninsula.

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