Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 9, Nov. 1977, pp. 209 – 232
Geological Survey of Malaysia, Tiger Lane, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Abstract: The Malay Peninsula can be divided into three distinct mineral belts, viz. the Western Tin Belt, the Central Gold and Base Metal Belt, and the Eastern Tin Belt. The major granitoid bodies are concentrated in these belts, especially the Western and Eastern Belts.
The Eastern Belt extends from north Kelantan to the toe of the Peninsula. It is believed that the major components of these bodies were emplaced during Upper Carboniferous to Upper Jurassic times. The peak of the magmatic activity apparently coincides with the Upper Permian.
Granodiorite, adamellite, and granite represent the major components of the intrusives. Quartz diorites, which result from assimilation of country rocks by granitic magma, are particularly well developed along some border and roof zones of major intrusions. The granitic bodies are generally elongated in a north to northwesterly direction and parallel the regional strike of the country rocks. Locally, however, some parts of the intrusions trend in a northeasterly direction and exhibit discordant relationships with the invaded rocks. The major intrusives are thought to have been emplaced in the mesozone to epizone.
The granite-invaded sedimentary-volcanic country rocks are tightly folded and weakly to moderately regionally metamorphosed. Near the plutons the effects of contact metamorphism may be superimposed on those due to regional metamorphism. Joints and faults are common in the plutons; aplite, pegmatite, dolerite, and lamprophyre dykes are locaIly common and their emplacement is partly fault controlled.
The Eastern Belt is noted for its tin, tungsten, and iron mineralization. The mineralization is generally confined to the marginal and apical parts of the granitic intrusive, and fracture zones within the intrusives and contact aureoles. One of the unique characteristics of this belt is the development of the complex-tin-iron mineralization at Pelepah Kanan (Johore), Sungai Panching (Pahang), and Bukit Besi (Trengganu). The primary mineralization in the belt is spatially, and probably also genetically, related to the granitoids.
Alluvium derived from the Gambang Granite is significant for its relatively high contents of detrital xenotime.
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