Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 8, Dec, 1977, pp. 127 – 129
Jabatan Geologi, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
Tjia (1974) from his study of sedimentary structures in one outcrop of the Kenny Hill formation postulated that the sedimentary succession is overturned and suggested that the major structure is either isoclinal or recumbent folding. This interpretation of the overall structure of the Kenny Hill formation agrees with E.H. Yin‘s views (cited by Stauffer 1973, p. 90) that repetition of sections within these rocks due either to strike faults or unrecognized folds must be present. If this isoclinal or recumbent folding does not exist on a major scale, then current ideas not only as to the formation‘s stratigraphic thickness but also its age and stratigraphic relationships to the adjacent rocks need to be revised, as the evidence for both these postulations are based to a large extent on differences in structural style between the intensely deformed Kuala Lumpur Limestone and the gently folded structures normally ascribed to the Kenny Hill formation. We, however, do not believe that repetitive sequence through strike faulting or recumbent folding is a major feature of this formation and it is the purpose of this note to present evidences in support of this viewpoint. Some of the evidences cited in this note in support of our belief, especially those relating to small scale sedimentary structures have been recorded before by one of us (EHY) in an unpublished thesis (Yeap, 1970).
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