A review of the progress in knowledge of the geology and mineral resources of Malaysia from 1972 to early 1975

Author : D. Santokh Singh and T. T. Khoo
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 95-107
Volume Number : 8
Year : 1977
DOI : https://doi.org/10.7186/bgsm08197706

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 8, Dec, 1977, pp. 95 – 107

A review of the progress in knowledge of the geology and mineral resources of Malaysia from 1972 to early 1975*


1Geological Survey of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

2University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 

*Paper presented at the 2nd Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia, August 1975, Jakarta


Absract: During the period under review significant progress has been made in the accumulation of knowledge of the geology and mineral resources of Malaysia by the staff of the Geological Survey, local universities, and mineral exploration companies.

The Survey intensified its geological mapping programme during this period and some 70 per cent of Peninsular Malaysia has been mapped on scales of either 1 inch to 1 mile or 1 inch to 4 miles. Good progress was made in most of the regional mapping projects in Sabah and Sarawak. However, mapping activities were temporarily suspended in those areas for which security clearance could not be obtained The Survey also intensified its geophysical and geochemical exploration programmes. Magnetometer surveys were carried out in several places, many potential mineral deposits were investigated, and several tens of thousands of geochemical samples analyzed. The Survey was also active in the geohydrology field and significant quantities of groundwater have been discovered. Several dam sites and potential quarry sites were investigated on behalf of government and private agencies. The Survey produced several publications, including the 7th edition of the 1:500,000 geological map of Peninsular Malaysia, mineral resource potential maps for all districts in Peninsular Malaysia, and a special paper in which the Gagau Group has been formally established

The local universities carried out geological mapping of several small areas usually on scales of 1:25,000. In economic geology the local universities were engaged in studies of ore deposits and ore textures, and the development of exploration techniques. Other interesting projects carried out by the local universities include the study of the stratigraphy of northwest Peninsular Malaysia, feldspars of Malaysian granites, and sea level changes.


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