Permian Brachiopod Correlations for South-East Asia

Author : J. B. Waterhouse
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 187 – 210
Volume Number : 6
Year : 1973

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 6, Jul, 1973, pp. 187 – 210

Permian Brachiopod Correlations for South-East Asia


Department of Geology, University of Toronto, Canada


Abstract: Permain Fusulinacea, Brachiopoda, and Ammonoidea from various parts of South-east Asia, including Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam are correlated with world standard sequences in the Urals, Russian platform and Armenia, with reference also to sequences in the Salt Range of Pakistan. Early Permian faunas appear to be of late Asselian (Kurmain) age, and there are no significant brachiopod faunas yet described from Sakmarian or Artinskian beds. Middle Permain faunas are extensively developed and can be closely zoned by Fusulinacea and brachiopods, to replicate the three-fold zonation of the Russian Kungurian Stage. The overlying Kazanian, and early Tatarian faunas are also well developed, showing strong affinities with the Kalabagh Member and some with the Chhidru Formation of the Salt Range. No faunas are known to be as young as the Baisalian Stage or Dorashamian Series of Armenia, but some may yet be recognised.