Geology of the Region Sri Sawat-Thong Pha Phum-Sangkhlaburi (Kanchanaburi Province/Thailand)

Author : K. E. Koch
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 177 – 185
Volume Number : 6
Year : 1973

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 6, Jul, 1973, pp. 177 – 185


Geology of the Region Sri Sawat-Thong Pha Phum-Sangkhlaburi (Kanchanaburi Province/Thailand)


Bundesanstalt f. Bodenforschung, 3000 Hannover, POB 54, Fed. Rep. of Germany


Abstract: The area was mapped on a scale of 1:250,000 by the German Geological Mission from 1968 to 1971, by field mapping and airphoto interpretation.

Strata in the area comprise about 3000 m of mostly marine metasedimentary and sedimentary rocks, whose age ranges from Cambrian to Jurassic, locally covered by fluviatile Cenozoic sediments. The marine sedimentary basin forms part of a geosynclinal tract which extends from Yunnan in the north to Malaysia in the south – the Yunnan-Malaya Geosyncline.

Tectonic activity is indicated by turbidites of Lower Carboniferous age, and a late Carboniferous phase is also indicated. There is also evidence for Triassic and Post-Jurassic orogenies, and late Cenozoic faulting.

Several granites, as yet not positively dated, occur in the area. They are: Khwae Yai granite (Triassic?); Central granite (Paleozoic?); and Pilok granite (Triassic?).