Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 20, August 1986, pp. 791 – 801
1Geological Survey of Malaysia, P.O. Box 1015, Ipoh, Perak
2State Economic Development Corporation, Petroleum & Mining Division, Wisma Maju, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
Abstract: The Quaternary deposits in the Kuantan area are described. The deposits are divided into four lithostratigraphic units: the continental Simpang Formation (equivalent to ‘the Old Alluvium of the Kinta Valley, Pleistocene age), Kempadang Formation (a Pleistocene marine unit), Gula Formation (a Holocene marine unit) and the continental Beruas Formation (equivalent to the Young Alluvium of the Kinta Valley).
The thickness of the unconsolidated deposits varies from a few metres in the west to more than 120 metres towards the east. Cassiterite occurs in significant concentrations in the Simpang and Kempadang Formations. Trace or minor amounts of cassiterite are found in the Gula and Beruas Formations.
Scout drill holes show that cassiterite values ranging from 0.079 kg per cu m to 0.40 kg per cu m (0.10 to 0.55 katis per cubic yard) occur at depths of 15 m to 30 m below the surface in Paya Derhaka, Kampong Belukar, Kampong Permatang Badak and Kampong Anak Ayer areas. A deep borehole at Kampong Penor in the south gave sectional values ranging from 0.3 kg per cu m (0.29 katis per cubic yard) to 0.4 kg per cu m (0.05 katis per cubic yard) between depths of 118.9 m to 122 m. The best prospects for placer tin lies between latitudes 3°45‘N to 3°49‘N and longitude 103°15‘E to the coastline, and this pan of the Kuantan area appears to be the southern limit of the Pandan placer tin deposit.
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