C.H. Yeap & K.F.G. Hosking : The relationship between the disposition of primary tungsten deposits in Selangor and Negri Sembilan (Peninsular Malaysia) and the tungsten distribution pattern in the associated granites
P.H. Stauffer : Cross bedding in sandstones of probable Carboniferious age in Tanjung Gelang, Pahang
S.H. Chan : A procedure for computing the lattice constants of some crystal systems
Meetings of the Society :
D.A. Brown : Distribution of vertebrates and plate tectonics
G.S. Gibbons : The discovery of nickel in Western Australia
C. Halls : Mineral deposits of the Grong Greenstone Belt, C. Norway
C. Halls : Subvolcanic tin province of Bolivia
News of the Society :
Resignation of the Hon. Secretary
Resignation and cooption of Treasurer
Second printing of the "Geology of the Malay Peninsula"
News of Members
New addresses
Other News
Formation of Editeast
Publications of interest