Relationship between syn-depositional faulting and carbonate growth in Central Luconia Province, Malaysia

Author : S.N. Fathiyah Jamaludin, Manuel Pubellier & David Menier
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 77 - 83
Volume Number : 60
Year : 2014

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 60, December 2014, pp. 77 – 83

Relationship between syn-depositional faulting and carbonate growth in Central Luconia Province, Malaysia

S.N. Fathiyah Jamaludin*, Manuel Pubellier & David Menier

Geoscience Department, Faculty of Geosciences & Petroleum Engineering,
University Technology Petronas, 31750 Tronoh,Perak, Malaysia
*Email address:

Abstract: Using 3D seismic and well data, detailed seismic interpretation has been conducted on two carbonate Platforms EX and FY located in the Central Luconia Province, Malaysia. The results provide an insight to understand the relationship of faulting with syn-depositional carbonate growth. Five geo-seismic units were interpreted from the Late Oligocene to present day sedimentation in the basin. Structural interpretation of both platforms shows that almost all the faults in the deeper part of the platforms are normal listric faults that resulted from the final rifting stage of the South China Sea. Small-scale, steep normal faults within the carbonate units behave relatively as syn-depositional faults that became the base and template for the reefs to grow as these faults created conjugate and branching faults systems. Apart from becoming templates for the reefs to grow, these syn-depositional faulting events had also interrupted the growth of reefs especially those that were located at the platform margin. Slight movement of the branching faults induced sub-marine landslide to create reefs collapse. The establishment of relationship between faulting and carbonate growth in Central Luconia Province might be useful for revisiting mature hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Keywords: Central Luconia Province, South China Sea, seismic interpretation, fault, carbonate