CATATAN GEOLOGI (Geological Notes)
Franz L. Kessler & John Jong: The roles and implications of several prominent unconformities in Neogene sediments of the greater Miri area, NW Sarawak
Goh Shin Mei, Woo Chaw Hong, Yip Chia Chun & Chow Yor Chun: 2D electrical resistivity survey for slope stability study at Taman Desa Ampang, Selangor
CATATAN LAIN (Other Notes)
Shamshuddin Jusop: Throwback Thursday: From geology to soil science
PERTEMUAN PERSATUAN (Meetings of the Society)
National Geoscience Conference (NGC 2017)
Abd Rasid Jaapar: Profile of a professional geologist
Geoscience Ideas Exchange: Formation of IGM-GSM Geoscience Business Working Group
Mathur S.C.: Signature of mass mortality of fauna and high temperature pressure event preserved in Late Cretaceous bone bed of Fatehgrah Formation of Barmer Basin, India
Bill McCaffrey: Modelling the evolution of submarine channels and their deposits
Mohd Shafeea Leman: Fauna Ediacara Mistaken Point, Kanada – apabila organisma bersaiz besar muncul di dunia
Schlumberger Industrial Technical Talk: 1 – NOC integrated e-Workflows as catalyst to optimized growth and efficiently manage E&P investment activities, 2 – Application of Geophysics in Oil and Gas Industry, & 3- Skill to survive in O&G and why it’s exciting
Abd Rasid Jaapar, Afiq Farhan Abdul Rahim, Mustapha Atta & Joy Jacqueline Pereira: Enhancing
geological terrain mapping for development proposals and environmentally sensitive areas –Preliminary viewpoints
New Membership
Change of Address
BERITA LAIN (Other News)
University of Malaya American Association of Petroleum Geologists Student Chapter (UM AAPG Student Chapter) – Report of events (July – November, 2017)
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