CATATAN GEOLOGI (Geological Notes)
Franz L. Kessler: Exploring medieval adits in a copper mine using ground-penetrating radar imaging (GPR)
CATATAN LAIN (Other Notes)
Franz L. Kessler & John Jong: Is there scope for a geopark project in greater Miri area, NW Sarawak?
Joy Jacqueline Pereira, Nurfashareena Muhamad, Ng Tham Fatt & Zamri Ramli: Advancing disaster resilience: Insights on landslide and karst susceptibility assessments
PERTEMUAN PERSATUAN (Meetings of the Society)
Tan Boon Kong: Engineering Geology in Malaysia – Some case histories
New Membership
Change of Address
BERITA LAIN (Other News)
NrgTalk with Dr Mazlan Madon, Immediate Past-President of the Geological Society of Malaysia
University of Malaya American Association of Petroleum Geologists Student Chapter (UM AAPG Student Chapter) – Committees participation in Integrated Petroleum Festival (IPFest) in Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
In memoriam Mohamad Tarmizi Mohamad Zulkifley
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