Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, No. 66, December 2018, pp. 121 – 127
Muhammad Hazmi Abdul Malik*, Lo Shyh Zung & Abdul Ghani Md Rafek
Petroleum Geoscience Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
32610, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
*Corresponding author email address: Hazmimalik93@gmail.com
Abstract: Interpretation and recognition of stratigraphic features using 3-D seismic data requires good understanding on structural geology, geophysics and stratigraphy. The objective was to re-evaluate the hydrocarbon potential in Field X, Malay Basin focusing on the Early to Middle Miocene succession. The field is located offshore about 200+ km north – east from the Kemaman supply base, Terengganu. Based on the generated time slice of the seismic attribute, several geomorphological features were observed including channel direction, type of channels, sinuosity, channel width, meandering wavelength, crevasse splay and point bar within Group F, H and I formation. The fluvial sandstone might be promising for stratigraphic hydrocarbon traps for Field X since this field is in low structural traps as confirmed by previous exploration. Furthermore, high resolution 3D seismic data assisted the author in diagnosing the depositional environment and predicting the channel pattern throughout the vertical seismic successions. The identification of reservoir potential was determined through several methods such as seismic interpretation, well log correlation, attribute analysis and spectral decomposition. Subtle feature in seismic slices became more visible through spectral decomposition. Finally, structural modeling aided the interpreter in the interpretation of the seismic section as well as reducing the geological uncertainty of the field.
Keywords: Geomorphological features, channels, spectral decomposition, well log correlation
Abstrak: Tafsiran dan pengiktirafan dalam pengenalpastian dalam ciri stratigrafi melalui 3-D data seismik memerlukan pemahaman yang baik mengenai struktur geologi, geofizik dan stratigrafi. Tujuan utama adalah untuk menilai semula potensi hidrokarbon dalam medan X, di Lembangan Melayu pada usia Awal Miosen ke Pertengahan Miosen. Medan ini terletak kira-kira 200+ km dari timur laut dari pangkalan bekalan Kemaman di luar pantai Terengganu. Berdasarkan ciri-ciri potongan masa yang dihasilkan melalui seismik atribut, beberapa ciri geomorfologi yang dikenalpasti termasuk arah alur, bentuk alur, kadar pembentukkan alur, lebar alur, panjang bermeander, megar krevas dan beting liku dalam formasi Kumpulan F, H dan I. Fluvis batu pasir berpotensi untuk memerangkap hidrokarbon melalui perangkap stratigrafi di medan X kerana medan ini mempunyai bentuk struktur geologi yang kecil berdasarkan explorasi terdahulu. Selain itu, resolusi tinggi data seismik 3D membantu penulis dalam mentafsir persekitaran mendapan dan meramal perubahan corak alur menerusi tahap kedalaman berbeza oleh potongan seismik. Pengenalpastian potensi reservoir adalah menerusi beberapa kaedah seperti tafsiran seismik, korelasi pengelogan telaga, analisis atribut dan penguraian spektrum. Struktur geomorfologi yang tidak jelas dapat dilihat lebih baik melalui penguraian spektrum. Akhir sekali, pemodelan struktur membantu penulis dalam menterjemahkan imej seismik disamping mengurangkan ketidakpastian di medan X.
Kata kunci: ciri geomorfologi, alur-alur, penguraian spektrum, korelasi log
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