Warta Geologi Volume 45, No 1

Author : Geological Society of Malaysia
Publication : Volume : 45
Page : March 2019
Volume Number : 45
Year : 2019
DOI : WG4512019


  1. CATATAN GEOLOGI (Geological Notes)
    Robert Shoup, John Jong, Franz L Kessler: Application of sand percentage to evaluate fault seal risk
  2. Ngui Jia Qi, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Azfar Mohamed: Sedimentology facies of the Tatau Formation, Tatau-Bintulu Road transact, Sarawak, Malaysia
  3. Hafedz Zakaria, Rini Asnida Abdullah, Amelia Ritahani Ismail, Mohd For Mohd Amin: Predicting uniaxial compressive strength using Support Vector Machine algorithm

CATATAN LAIN (Other Notes)
Mazlan Madon: A Malaysian geologist in New York

PERTEMUAN PERSATUAN (Meetings of the Society)
Muhammad Hatta Roselee: Petrologi dan geokimia batuan volkanik di Blok Timur Malaya, Semenanjung Malaysia
Muhammad Mustaqim Mohd Rosli: Introduction to modern methods of geophysical site investigations
Zuhar Zahir Tuan Harith: Thought-provoking observation of the SEA World Gravity Map

Session with Unit Sokongan Penyelidikan, UM
Acknowledgement of Peer Reviewers for 2018
Notice of GSM 53rd Annual General Meeting
New Membership
Change of Address

BERITA LAIN (Other News)
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