Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 75, May 2023, pp. 13 – 23
Hamzah Hussin1,3,4,*, Mohd Hariri Arifin2
1 Jabatan Geosains, Fakulti Sains Bumi, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, 17600 Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia
2 Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
3 Geohazard Research Group, Fakulti Sains Bumi, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, 17600 Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia
4 UMK-Tropical Reseach Center (UMK-TRaCe), Fakulti Sains Bumi, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, 17600 Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia
* Corresponding author email address: hamzah.h@umk.edu.my
Abstrak: Dalam dekad terakhir ini, penggunaan sistem pengelasan jasad batuan dalam rekabentuk kejuruteraan telah digunakan secara intensif. Kebimbangan mengenai potensi kegagalan yang boleh berlaku secara tempatan atau global pada sesebuah jasad batuan yang boleh berlaku disebabkan oleh pengaruh geologi (contoh; ketakselanjaran, air, luluhawa) dan bukan geologi (contoh; beban binaan, gegaran) perlu diberi perhatian serius. Kemampuan sistem pengelasan untuk menunjukkan keadaan jasad batuan secara ringkas dan efektif sangat membantu dalam kerja-kerja kejuruteraan. Terdapat dua keadaan sistem pengelasan digunakan untuk pembinaan bawah tanah iaitu aktiviti penerowongan dan perlombongan. Bagi pembinaan terowong, sistem seperti Rock Mass Rating / Perkadaran Jasad Batuan (RMR), Sistem Q, Kaedah Japanese Highway (JH), Geological Strength Index / Indeks Kekuatan Geologi (GSI) dan Rock Mass Quality Rating / Perkadaran Kualiti Jasad Batuan (RMQR) merupakan sistem yang biasa digunakan. Walau bagaimanapun, kelemahan sistem tersebut ialah ketidaksesuaian digunakan untuk jasad batuan yang terlindung akibat litupan shotcrete kerana kekangan untuk mendapatkan maklumat satah ketakselanjaran. Kelemahan ini menyebabkan perlunya satu kaedah kajian dan sistem pengelasan jasad batuan yang baru untuk mengatasi kekurangan tersebut.
Kata Kunci: Pengelasan jasad batuan, penerowongan, pembinaan bawah tanah, shotcrete
Abstract: In the last few decades, rock mass classification had been used intensively in engineering design. The concern arises for the potential occurrence of localized or global rock mass failure due to geological (such as discontinuities, water, weathering) and non-geological (such as construction load, vibration) factors should be taken into consideration. The ability of a classification system to represent the rock mass condition in a straightforward and effective way can assist in engineering works. Two classification systems can be applied in underground construction such as tunneling and mining. In tunnel construction, the Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Q System, Japanese Highway (JH) Method, Geological Strength Index (GSI) and Rock Mass Quality Rating (RMQR) are commonly used. However, these systems cannot be applied for rock mass covered by shotcrete due to difficulty in observing the discontinuity planes. Therefore, a new investigation method and rock mass classification for rock mass covered by shotcrete is vital to overcome this limitation.
Keywords: Rock mass classification, tunneling, underground excavation, shotcrete
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Manuscript received 4 October 2021;
Received in revised form 6 April 2023;
Accepted 28 April 2023
Available online 26 May 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7186/bgsm75202303
0126-6187; 2637-109X / Published by the Geological Society of Malaysia.
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