Characterization of Lojing hot springs, Gua Musang, Kelantan from geosciences aspects

Author : Nur Syazwani Izzati Abdul Rahim, Mohd Hariri Arifin, Muhammad Hasiib Mansor, Mohammad Noor Akmal Anuar, Nordiana Mohd Muztaza
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 123 - 134
Volume Number : 74
Year : 2022

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 74, November 2022, pp. 123 – 134


Characterization of Lojing hot springs, Gua Musang, Kelantan from geosciences aspects


Nur Syazwani Izzati Abdul Rahim1, Mohd Hariri Arifin1,*, Muhammad Hasiib Mansor1, Mohammad Noor Akmal Anuar1, Nordiana Mohd Muztaza2

1 Program Geologi, Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, 43600 Selangor, Malaysia

2 School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia

*Corresponding author email address:


Abstract: The study was conducted to identify and determine the relationship between geology, geophysics and geochemistry of the study area. Geophysical surveys were conducted to obtain the sub-surface profile and to relate it with lineament analysis. Based on gravity method analysis, it is interpreted that the study area consists of granite bedrock close to the surface which exhibits high gravity anomalies whereas low density rock areas with high fractures and lineaments exhibit low gravity anomaly values. The electrical resistivity survey shows that the study area is underlain by granite bedrocks which also proves that the origin of the hot springs are non-volcanic as no volcanic activity or rocks can be found around the study area. Resistivity values recorded for granite bedrock exceeded 900 Ωm. Based on the resistivity profile, it is also possible to determine the reservoir zone and fractured zone which shows the resistivity values between 0 Ωm to 250 Ωm. The direction of the lineaments on the resistivity profile together with gravity survey are parallel to the lineament analysis, which is Northeast-Southwest, Northwest-Southeast and North-South. The borehole log data also shows that the study area is underlain by granite bedrock and the hot water source in this area is from confined aquifer. Geochemical and geothermometry analysis were performed on 14 hot water samples. The results of geochemical analysis show that the average elements concentration is as follows; silica 277 ppm, calcium 2.00 ppm, magnesium 0.14 ppm, potassium 2.3 ppm, sodium 29 ppm, iron 0.12 ppm, bicarbonate 41 ppm, sulphate 18 ppm, chloride 1.5 ppm and fluoride 2.9 ppm. The calculation results of quartz geothermometry shows an average temperature of 203°C, while chalcedony geothermometry shows an average temperature of 177°C. The enthalpy for heating water calculated from quartz geothermometry using the Steam Table shows an average of 864 kJ/kg which can be interpreted as a mid-level enthalpy. The geology of the hot springs area shown in the geological map and lineament analysis map proves the relationship with the geophysical survey and borehole log data.


Keywords: Lojing, resistivity, gravity, hot spring



Pencirian air panas Lojing, Gua Musang, Kelantan dari aspek geosains


Abstrak: Kajian dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti dan menentukan hubungan antara geologi, geofizik dan geokimia kawasan kajian. Survei geofizik dijalankan bagi mendapatkan profil lapisan bawah tanah untuk dikaitkan dengan analisis lineamen. Hasil kaedah graviti menunjukkan kawasan batuan dasar granit yang hampir dengan permukaan mempunyai nilai anomali graviti yang tinggi manakala kawasan batuan berketumpatan rendah beserta dengan kehadiran lineamen mempunyai nilai anomali graviti rendah. Hasil survei keberintangan elektrik dan pengkutuban teraruh menunjukkan kawasan kajian didasari dengan batuan granit, membuktikan bahawa air panas ini adalah asalan bukan volkanik di mana tiada aktiviti atau batuan volkanik yang dijumpai di sekitar kawasan kajian. Nilai keberintangan yang dicatatkan bagi batuan dasar granit melebihi 900 Ωm. Berdasarkan profil keberintangan dapat ditentukan zon takungan air atau zon retakan yang menunjukkan nilai keberintangan antara 0 Ωm hingga 250 Ωm. Hasil analisis lineamen menunjukkan arah linemaen yang selari seperti yang ditunjukkan pada profil survei keberintangan dan survei graviti iaitu berarah Timur Laut-Barat Daya, Barat Laut-Tenggara dan Utara-Selatan. Melalui data log lubang gerudi juga menunjukkan kawasan kajian didasari dengan batuan granit dan sumber air panas di kawasan ini berpunca dari akuifer terkekang. Hasil analisis geokimia pula menunjukkan purata kepekatan unsur adalah seperti
berikut; silika 277 ppm, kalsium 2.00 ppm, magnesium 0.14 ppm, kalium 2.3 ppm, sodium 29 ppm, ferum 0.12 ppm, bikarbonat 41 ppm, sulfat 18 ppm, klorida 1.5 ppm dan fluorida 2.9 ppm. Hasil pengiraan geotermometri kuarza menunjukkan purata suhu 203°C, manakala geotermometri kalsedoni menunjukkan purata suhu 177°C. Entalpi untuk memanaskan air yang dikira dari geotermometri kuarza menggunakan Steam Table pula menunjukkan purata 864 kJ/kg yang boleh ditafsirkan sebagai entalpi tahap pertengahan. Keadaan geologi kawasan air panas yang ditunjukkan di dalam peta geologi dan peta analisis lineamen membuktikan perkaitan dengan hasil survei geofizik melalui kaedah keberintangan elektrik serta kaedah graviti dan data log lubang gerudi.


Kata kunci: Lojing, keberintangan, graviti, air panas




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Manuscript received 15 June 2022

Received in revised form 31 July 2022

Accepted 15 August 2022

Available online 30 November 2022


0126-6187; 2637-109X / Published by the Geological Society of Malaysia.


© 2022 by the Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License 4.0.





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