Facies and biofacies of the Late Quaternary deposits at west Johor, Malaysia: Indicators for sea-level changes, palaeoshoreline, and palaeonvironment

Author : Abdul Hadi Hashim, Habibah Jamil, Ramlan Omar
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 85 - 110
Volume Number : 74
Year : 2022
DOI : doi.org/10.7186/bgsm74202206

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 74, November 2022, pp. 85 – 110


Facies and biofacies of the Late Quaternary deposits at west Johor, Malaysia: Indicators for sea-level changes, palaeoshoreline, and palaeonvironment


Abdul Hadi Hashim1,*, Habibah Jamil1, Ramlan Omar2

1 Geology Programme, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

2 School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

* Corresponding author email address: a.hadi.hashim@gmail.com


Abstract: In this study, sedimentological and foraminiferal analyses were conducted on two borehole samples (BH1 = 42 m and BH2 = 39 m) at Pontian in west Johor, Peninsular Malaysia. The sedimentological description established ten facies (A to J). They comprised three associations and two sedimentary environments (i.e., estuary and delta plain). The foraminiferal analysis identified four distinct biofacies through similarity plots of taxonomic compositions and their respective groups for each borehole. Each group was designated as Biofacies Ia to Id for BH1 and IIa to IId for BH2. The deposition began with the formation of a small tidal-dominated estuarine basin in the flooded palaeovalley and the subsequent development of a peat-forming estuarine channel that resulted from the flooding of a supratidal zone. Relative sea-level changes were assumed localised to a basin scale. The maximum limit of tidal influence was benchmarked using a mangrove classification for a terrestrial boundary. Based on the foraminiferal analysis, this study identified a few episodes of flooding events, implying the occurrence of several migrations of the paleoshoreline throughout the sequence that traced the configuration of the maximum paleoshoreline.


Keywords: Biofacies, foraminifera, paleoshoreline, Pontian, Quaternary, sea-level changes


Abstrak: Dalam kajian ini, analisis sedimentologi dan foraminifera telah dijalankan ke atas dua teras gerudi (BH1 =42 m dan BH2 = 39 meter) yang diperolehi dari Pontian di barat Johor, Semenanjung Malaysia. Dalam pemerihalan sedimentologi, sepuluh fasies enapan (A sehingga J) telah dikenalpasti dan dikelaskan kepada tiga sekutuan fasies yang mewakili sekitaran enapan berbeza (estuari dan dataran delta). Dalam analisis foraminifera, empat biofasies telah dikenalpasti melalui plot kesamaan komposisi taksonomi dan juga melalui kumpulan masing-masing untuk setiap teras gerudi tersebut. Setiap kumpulan telah dinamakan sebagai Biofasies Ia sehingga Id untuk BH1 dan IIa sehingga IId untuk BH2. Proses pengenapan ini ditafsirkan
bermula dengan pembentukan lembangan estuari kecil yang didominasi pasang-surut. Ia terletak dalam lembah kuno banjir lalu membentuk alur estuari yang menghasilkan enapan gambut akibat kebanjiran zon supra pasang-surut. Perubahan aras laut relatif telah dianggarkan berlaku pada skala lembangan setempat. Had maksimum pengaruh pasang-surut telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan pengkelasan paya bakau untuk menentukan sempadan daratan. Berdasarkan analisis foraminifera, kajian ini telah dapat mengenalpasti beberapa episod kejadian banjir. Ini menandakan berlakunya beberapa migrasi garis laut kuno di sepanjang jujukan ini seterusnya menunjukkan konfigurasi garis laut kuno yang maksimum.


Kata kunci: Biofasies, foraminifera, pesisir laut kuno, Pontian, Kuaterner, perubahan aras laut



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Manuscript received 29 June 2021

Received in revised form 26 October 2022

Accepted 1 November 2022

Available online 30 November 2022


0126-6187; 2637-109X / Published by the Geological Society of Malaysia.


© 2022 by the Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License 4.0.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.7186/bgsm74202206