Application of UAV photogrammetry for quarry monitoring

Warta Geologi, Vol. 46, No. 2
Author : Sharan Kumar Nagendran, Mohd Ashraf Mohamad Ismail
Publication : Warta Geologi
Page : 76 - 81
Volume Number : 46
Year : 2020

Warta Geologi, Vol. 46, No. 2, August 2020, pp. 76–81


Application of UAV photogrammetry for quarry monitoring


Sharan Kumar Nagendran1,2,*, Mohd Ashraf Mohamad

1School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

2Centre of Excellence for Engineering &
Technology (CREaTE), Public Works Department (JKR), 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka,

* Corresponding author email address:


In quarry production, survey work is necessary to monitor the height of
stockpile and quarry’s walls to obey the rules and regulation stated by
authority. Conventional method of surveying is by ground-based surveying on
these sites to measure the X, Y and Z data. Nevertheless, these approaches are
very time consuming and a dangerous undertaking for the staff. Advancement of
remote sensing specifically unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) have become an
alternative for surveying work. The use of drone for survey that is remotely
piloted is able to replace the traditional method of surveying in quarries.
This paper describes the application of drone mapping for quarry monitoring and
management of stockpile and slope assessment. Quadcopter was used to acquire
the aerial images for stockpile and both aerial and side images for slope
assessment. The captured images were processed using a photogrammetry software,
Agisoft Photoscan to produce the final output consisting of orthophoto, digital
surface model, 3D dense point cloud and 3D model. Based on the output, volume,
height and area of stockpile computational were made in the photogrammetry
software. The slope stability assessment computation was made using facet
extraction to identify the major discontinuity sets for rock slope stability
analysis. UAV photogrammetry grants precise approach to provide fast data
recovery and time saving for mapping a large quarry area.


UAV, photogrammetry, quarry, rock slope




0126–5539; e-ISSN 2682-7549

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