On the supposed onshore extension of the Penyu Basin, Peninsular Malaysia

Warta Geologi Vol 47 No 3
Author : Mazlan Madon
Publication : Warta Geologi
Page : 204 - 210
Volume Number : 47
Year : 2021
DOI : doi.org/10.7186/wg473202102

Warta Geologi, Vol. 47, No. 3, December 2021, pp. 204–210

On the supposed onshore extension of the Penyu Basin, Peninsular Malaysia

Mazlan Madon

Malaysian Continental Shelf Project, National Security
Council, 62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia

Email address: mazlan.madon@gmail.com

The Penyu Basin is a Tertiary sedimentary basin located offshore Peninsular Malaysia. The basin is assumed to continue westwards beneath the Pahang River
delta where as much as 115 m of Quaternary sediments overlie a bedrock of pre-Tertiary granites and metamorphic rocks. No Pliocene or older sediments
beneath the delta have been reported. If the Quaternary sediments are considered as part of the Cenozoic Penyu Basin, the basin’s western limit may be delineated at the foothills of the coastal plain where those sediments onlap onto pre-Tertiary rocks. Therefore, any sedimentary rock of Tertiary age that may occur to the west of that limit most probably represents a separate basin.

Penyu Basin, Quaternary, Tertiary, gravity, basement


0126–5539; e-ISSN 2682-7549