Structural analysis using 3D digital outcrop model: A case study in Kebun 500 outcrop, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia

Warta 50 (3)- 20 Dec 2024
Author : Tan Yan Eng, Choong Chee Meng, Nur Huda M Jamin, Muhammad Aslam Md Yusof
Publication : Warta Geologi
Page : 172-183
Volume Number : 50
Year : 2023

Warta Geologi, Vol. 50, No. 3, December 2024, pp. 172–183

Structural analysis using 3D digital outcrop model:

A case study in Kebun 500 outcrop, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia

Tan Yan Eng1, *, Choong Chee Meng2, Nur Huda M Jamin3, Muhammad Aslam Md Yusof1

1 Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia

2 Digital Geoscience Global Sdn Bhd, Unit 13-9, Binjai 8, Lorong Binjai, 50400, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

3 Geosciences Department, Faculty of Sciences and Information Technology, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia

* Corresponding author email address:

Abstract: Photogrammetry and digital outcrop modelling are the latest techniques used by various geoscience groups for Earth visualisation and research. This study showcases the structural analysis of a digital outcrop model in the Kebun 500 area, Kedah, involving drone photo collection, digital model construction, structural data extraction, and geological interpretation. The outcrop represents folded and fractured sedimentary rocks of the Permian-Triassic Semanggol Formation, situated adjacent to a major fault, the Bok Bak Fault. The digital model revealed a N-S strike direction and steep dips to the east in the sedimentary beds at the Kebun 500 outcrop. The rocks experienced flexural slipping on the bedding planes and locally folded into close-to-open folds. They can also be further classified into gently plunging-upright folds, gently plunging and moderately inclined folds, and moderately plunging and steeply inclined folds. The beds/folds are cross-cut by N-S striking, steeply dipping fractures, and NNW-SSE striking, inclined dipping reverse faults. The folds that occurred in the Kebun 500 outcrop are interpreted as parasitic folds. The identified fractures are also potentially associated with the Bok Bak fault system.

Keywords: Digital outcrop model, fold, fracture, photogrammetry, Semanggol Formation


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Manuscript received 12 December 2023;
Received in revised form 11 May 2024;
Accepted 10 July 2024
Available online 30 December 2024


0126-5539; 2682-7549 / Published by the Geological Society of Malaysia.
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