QUATERNARY AND MARINE GEOLOGY WORKING GROUP, GSM: A multi-hazards coastal vulnerability index of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia

About This Event

Hello Members

We are delighted to invite you to join the following technical talk by Quaternary and Marine Geology Working Group, GSM.

Details are as follows:

Date: 19th March 2024

Time: 10.00 am – 11.00 am

Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Effi Helmy Ariffin

Affiliation: Institute Of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Title: A multi-hazards coastal vulnerability index of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87531846054?pwd=SFUveXpiQTdLUURMdm9CV3AzNHN0UT09

Meeting ID: 875 3184 6054

Passcode: 716517


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