Some applications and problems of the seismic refraction technique in civil engineering projects in Malaysia

Author : B.K. Lim and S.J. Jones
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 95 – 121
Volume Number : 15
Year : 1982

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 15, December 1982, pp. 95 – 121

Some applications and problems of the seismic refraction technique in civil engineering projects in Malaysia


(EG & G International Inc.; formerly of Geomex Surveys)


Abstract: The seismic refraction technique has been used worldwide to assist in site investigations for general earthworks associated with high-rise construction, quarrying, hydroelectric power schemes, rail, road and tunnelling projects.

General limitations inherent in the application of seismic refraction theory to “real-world” conditions have been well-documented, as have the theoretical refinements intended to overcome these problems.

The tropical weathering environment encountered in Malaysia imposes additional subtle constraints. This paper discusses the important influence of tropical weathering processes on seismic operations and presents a practical approach to maximise useful data acquisation and interpretation.