PERTEMUAN PERSATUAN (Meetings of the Society)
Petroleum Geology Conference & Exhibition 2011 (PGCE 2011)
-Welcoming Speech
-Opening Speech
-Abstract of Papers
Hamzah Mohamad & Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Volcanic Ash from Mount Merapi Eruption in 2010
Clive Foss : Resolving the architecture of the Ngalia Basin in central Australia from gravity and magnetic field interpretation
Hamzah Huss in & Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin: Kajian kestabilan potongan cerun batuan metasedimen di Bukit Chendering, Kuala Terengganu
Chairman’s Lecture No 16 – Tan Boon Kong: Geology and Tunnelling in Malaysia
Abdul Ghani Rafek,Goh,T.L.,Mohd. Hariri Ariffin & Nurul Baizura M. Yunus: Penerbitan sudut geseran puncak satah ketakselanjaran daripada kekasaran permukaan
Toru Mogi: Magnetotelluric survey in some active tectonics areas
Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin, Steven Chong Fook Loy & Arulgnanam V. A.: Geological hazards assessment on the Wadi Dayqah Dam, the Sultanate of Oman
Junaidi Asis: Radiolaria Kapur di Kunak, Sabah
Masamichi Takahashi: Cretaceous Flower Hunting in Eastern Asia
Keahlian (Membership)
National Geoscience Conference 2011
GSM Photographic Competition 2011
PROFIL (Profile)
Petroleum Geoscience Researh Group
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