Palaeocurrents in the Tertiary sedimentary deposits in western Sarawak

Author : Denis N.K. Tan
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 257-264
Volume Number : 17
Year : 1984

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 17, Dec.1984, pp. 257 – 264

Palaeocurrents in the Tertiary sedimentary deposits in western Sarawak


Geological Survey of Malaysia, Kuching


Abstract: The Tertiary sedimentary deposits in western Sarawak are commonly cross-bedded and, in places, ripple-marked. Palaeocurrent studies have been carried out in 7 widely distributed locations of these rocks, namely Snibong, Stinggang, Gunung Moi, Gunung Serapi, Santubong peninsula, Bako peninsula, and Sungai Tebia. The results of these studies yield unimodal (to rarely bimodal) palaeocurent patterns consistent with fluvial and deltaic deposition of the sediments. Local mean directions are to the NW, N, NNE, and ESE, and suggest the provenance for the Tertiary sedimentary deposits to be the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks occupying the present Bau-Kuching-Serian area.