Studies of pegmatitic cassiterites from the Gunung Jerai (Kedah), Bakri (Johore) and Kathu Valley (Phuket) regions

Author : Y.H. Lye
Publication : Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 107-161
Volume Number : 17
Year : 1984

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 17, Dec.1984, pp. 107 – 161

Studies of pegmatitic cassiterites from the Gunung Jerai (Kedah), Bakri (Johore) And Kathu Valley (Phuket) regions


Esso Production (Malaysia) Inc. P.O. Box 10857 Kuala Lumpur


Abstract: Pegmatitic cassiterites are significantly different from cassiterite of other genetic regimes in many of their physical, geochemical and crystallographic characteristics. Such cassiterites from the 3 areas were studied and compared with one another as well as collectively compared with other types of cassiterites present in the Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand Tin Belts. Of particular significance is the discovery that biaxial positive cassiterites are abundant among the pegmatitic cassiterites studied and their distribution appears to be more widespread than previously known within the Tin Belt. Such cassiterites do not appear to be confined solely to the pegmatitic suite though they are more likely to be so. Flattened prismatic rhombic pegmatite cassiterites are also obtained from the lepidolite pegmatites in Phuket at the Ban Guan Tin Mine. Such cassiterites appear to have an orthorhombic rather than a tetragonal symmetry.



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