Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 64, December 2017, pp. 65 – 79
Consultant Engineering Geologist, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Email address: tanboonkong@gmail.com
Abstract: Engineering geology deals with the application of geology to civil engineering and construction works. The
fundamental input in engineering geology would involve, among other things, studies on the lithologies, geologic structures
and weathering grades of the rock masses since together they determine the characteristics and behaviours of the rock
masses. In addition, project-specific requirements and problems need to be addressed. This paper presents several case
studies on Engineering Geology in Malaysia such as: Foundations in Limestone Bedrock, Limestone Cliff Stability, Rock
Slope Stability, Dams, Tunnels, Riverbank Instability, Slope Failure due to Rapid Draw-down, Urban Geology & Hillsite
Development, and Airports. The various case studies presented here are based mainly on the author’s ~35 years of past
practice and experiences.
Keywords: Engineering geology, case studies, rock slopes, limestone, tunnels