The role of geophysics in the construction and stability assessment of tunnels

Warta Geologi Vol 47 No 3
Author : Nik Adib Yaaziz, Mohd Hariri Arifin
Publication : Warta Geologi
Page : 199 - 203
Volume Number : 47
Year : 2021

Warta Geologi, Vol. 47, No. 3, December 2021, pp. 199–203


Peranan geofizik dalam pembinaan dan penilaian kestabilan

(The role of geophysics in the construction and stability
assessment of tunnels)


Nik Adib Yaaziz*, Mohd Hariri Arifin

Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan
Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600, UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

* Corresponding author email address :


Bidang geofizik memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pembinaan mana-mana
struktur utama di dunia. Salah satu daripada struktur buatan manusia ialah
terowong. Pelbagai maklumat dan kaedah geofizik perlu difahami secara mendalam
sebelum merangka sebuah projek pembinaan terowong. Penyiasatan menyeluruh
terhadap keadaan bumi perlu dilakukan terlebih dahulu sebelum kajian persediaan
lapangan yang akan menentukan tempoh masa bertahan tanpa sokongan dan keadaan
air bawah tanah yang mungkin menyukarkan pembinaan terowong. Bagi menilai
kestabilan terowong pula, integrasi pelbagai kaedah diperlukan untuk
mendapatkan hasil kajian yang lebih tepat. Tafsiran imej satelit menekankan
kepada surihan struktur lineamen negatif manakala pemetaan lapangan menekankan
kepada lokasi resapan air bawah tanah dan struktur tektonik utama seperti
sesar, kekar dan zon ricih. Survei tomogafi keberintangan geoelektrik dapat
mengenalpasti keberintangan bahan yang berbeza di mana ia dapat menentukan
kandungan air di dalam bahan bumi. Pemilihan langkah-langkah pemulihan akan
ditentukan berdasarkan dapatan hasil kajian tersebut.


Terowong, penggalian, penilaian kestabilan, pemulihan



Geophysics play a vital role in the constructions of any major manmade
structures in the world. One of those being the tunnels. In depth understanding
of geophysical methods and a lot of information are needed in order to design a
tunnel construction project. Comprehensive investigation on the ground
condition has to be done before the field preparation study that will determine
the stand-up time and the groundwater condition that may disrupt the tunnel
construction. For tunnel stability assessment, an integration of geophysical
methods is a must in order to obtain the most accurate results. Satellite
imaging interpretation emphasizes on the structural tracing of negative
lineament while field mapping emphasizes on location of underground seepage and
major tectonic structures such as faults, joints and shear zones. Geoelectrical
resistivity tomography survey is able to identify the differences in
resistivity of Earth’s materials based on the water content inside of them. The
best course of remediation could only be chosen once the output from all these
studies are made available.


Tunnel, drilling, stability assessment, remediation




0126–5539; e-ISSN 2682-7549

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