Wan Hasiah Abdullah, Ng Tham Fatt, Abdul Ghani Md. Rafek, Goh Thian Lai
Page : iii
Cover and Contents
Geological Society of Malaysia
Cover and Contents
Geological Society of Malaysia
Wan Hasiah Abdullah
Page : iii
Meditations on metamorphism
P.H Stauffer
Page : 1-13
Interpretation of regional gravity and magnetic data in Peninsular Malaysia
M.H. Loke. C.Y. Lee, G. van Klinken
Page : 1 – 21
Deformation profile analysis of a deepwater toe-thrust structural trend – Implications on structural kinematics and sedimentary patterns
Mohd Asraf Khamis, John Jong & Steven M. Barker
Page : 1-12
Some impediments affecting the performance of the local non-metallic mineral-based industry
Chu Ling Heng & Azimah Ali
Page : 1-3
Gas hydrate resource potential of deepwater Sabah, Malaysia: A preliminary assessment
Mazlan Madon
Page : 1 - 15
Preliminary report on vertebrate fossils from Cistern and Swamp Caves at Batu Caves near Kuala Lumpur
Yasamin Kh Ibrahim, Lee Chai Peng, Earl of Cranbrook, Lim Tze Tshen
Page : 1 - 8
Challenges for the E&P industry in the 21st Century
Chris Wright
Page : 1-4
Penggunaan kaedah-kaedah hidrogeokimia dan kerintangan geoelektrik untuk mengesan kemasinan air tanah pada akuifer kedua di pantai utara Kelantan
Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Abdul Ghani Mohd. Rafek, Nasiman Sapari dan Haryono
Page : 1-8
Seismic stratigraphic interpretation for the thin layers: case studies
Kuo-An Lin, Shi-Chi Fuh & Hsiung-Mao Chen
Page : 1-21
Editorial Note- Emerging areas of geology research in Southeast Asia
Joy Jacqueline Pereira
Page : 1-3
Miocene carbonates of the Luconia province, offshore Sarawak: implications for regional geology and reservoir properties from Strontium-isotope stratigraphy
Volker C. Vahrenkamp
Page : 1-13
Bibliography and Index Publications of the Geological Society of Malaysia 1967 – 1993: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS
T.F. Ng
Page : 1-22
Structural Styles in Western Sabah Offshore
A.J. Bol & B. van Hoorn
Page : 1-16
Mineralization in the Coast Plutonic Complex of British Columbia, south of latitude 55°N
G. J. Woodsworth & J. A. Roddick
Page : 1-16
Soil loss assessment in the Tasik Chini catchment, Pahang, Malaysia
Sujaul Islam Mir, Muhammad Barzani Gasim, Sahibin Abd. Rahim & Mohd Ekhwan Toriman
Page : 1 - 7
Massive sulphide deposits and their possible significance to other ores in Southeast Asia
R.W. Hutchinson
Page : 1 – 22
Zircon U-Pb ages of the Benom Complex: Implications for a Late Triassic uplift event in Central Peninsular Malaysia
Choong Chee Meng, Manuel Pubellier, Benjamin Sautter, Mirza Arshad Beg
Page : 1 - 13
Plate tectonics and petroleum basins
David G. Howell
Page : 1-3
The liberation of minor elements from rocks during plutonic igneous cycles and subsequent concentration to form workable ores, with particular reference to copper and tin
D. Taylor
Page : 1-16
Warta Geologi, Vol. 50, No. 3, December 2024
Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 165-231
Overview of the structural framework and hydrocarbon plays in the Penyu Basin, offshore Peninsular Malaysia
Mazlan Madon, John Jong, Franz L. Kessler, Colm Murphy, Lucia Your, Mursyidah Bt A Hamid, Nurfadhila Bt M Sharef
Page : 1-23
Mud volcanoes in Sistan and Baluchestan Provinces, Makran Coast, Southeast Iran
Hossein Negaresh
Page : 1-7
A Triassic "reefal"" limestone in the basement of the Malay Basin, South China Sea: Regional implications
Fontaine Henri, Rodziah Daud & Singh Updesh
Page : 1-25
2D Seismic Refraction Tomography Survey on Metasediment at a Proposed Development Site in Dengkil, Selangor
Umar Hamzah and Abd Rahim Samsudin
Page : 1-6
Landslides in weathered granitic rocks in Japan and Malaysia
Masahiro Chigira, Zainab Mohamad, Lim Choun Sian & Ibrahim Komoo
Page : 1 - 6
Bibliography and Index of GSM Bulletin 1994-2004: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS
Robert B. Tate
Page : 3 - 45
Global tectonics and resources
Fyfe, W.S.
Page : 1-19
P-T-XH2O Conditions of Sg. Ara Granite, Penang Island, P. Malaysia
K.R. Chakraborty and Amerizal Ganivaldi Djafar
Page : 1-7
Land use changes, soil erosion and decreased base flow of rivers at Cameron Highlands, Peninsular Malaysia
J.K. Raj
Page : 3-10
Kewujudan Formasi Lambir di Sinklin Ulu Bok, Sarawak Utara
Lim Chun Hui and Mohd. Shafeea Leman
Page : 1-5
Editorial Note- A snapshot of fundamental geological knowledge to deal with climate change
Joy Jacqueline Pereira
Page : 1-3
Stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Carboniferous sediments in the Panching area, Pahang, West Malaysia
I.Metcalfe, M. Idris and J.T. Tan
Page : 1-26
Durbachite-like melagranite in Taiping Pluton of Bintang Batholith, Peninsular Malaysia
Long Xiang Quek, Azman A. Ghani, Mokhtar Saidin & Zuhar Zahir Tuan Harith
Page : 1 - 6
A hazard assessment of a granite cut-slope in a hillside development off Jalan Kuari, Cheras, Selangor.
Mustaffa Kamal Shuib & Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin
Page : 1-4
Miocene stratigraphy of northwest Borneo Basin
Richard Mani Banda and Eiichi Honza
Page : 1-11
Tertiary stratigraphic palynology in Southeast Asia: current status and new directions
R.J. Morley
Page : 1-36
Assessment of tsunami hazard in Sabah – Level of threat, constraints and future work
Felix Tongkul, Rodeano Roslee, Ahmad Khairut Termizi Mohd Daud
Page : 1-15
Application of transient electromagnetic method (TEM) technique in South-East Asia: Case studies from onshore Sarawak and North Sumatra
Yuri Agafonov, Igor Buddo Olga Tokareva, M. Shukur M. Ali & Mustapha M. Salleh
Page : 1 - 5
The mineralogical and petrological factors in Alkali Silica Reactions in concrete
Yeap Ee Beng
Page : 1-20
Magmatism, tin mineralization and tectonics of the Main Range, Malaysian Peninsula: Consequences for the plate tectonic model of Southeast Asia based on Rb-Sr, K-Ar and fission track data
R. Krähenbuhl
Page : 1-100
Environment of placer gold deposits in northern Pahang
Tan Teong Hing & Lim Kin Leong
Page : 1-11
Stratigraphic framework for oil exploration in Sarawak
Ho Kiam Fui
Page : 1 – 13
The Search for Tungsten Deposits
K. F. G. Hosking
Page : 1-70
Discovery of a Lower Devonian Dacryoconarid bed from Hill B Guar Jentik, Perlis: Its significance and implications
Ong Swang Theng and Basir Jasin
Page : 1-6
Structures in Peninsular Malaysia and their interpretations
B.K. Tan
Page : 1 – 7
Petroleum systems in Southeast Asian Tertiary basins
Harry Doust
Page : 1-16
Some characteristics of the heavy detrital minerals from Peninsular Malaysia
Wan Fuad Wan Hassan
Page : 1-12
Baram Delta geology and hydrocarbon occurrence
E.J.H. Rijks
Page : 1-18
Remnant of the Late Holocene sand beach reveals ancient settlement-related sea level change from western Thailand
Parisa Nimnate, Sukanya Suriyan and Sasiyanan Wongcharoen
Page : 53-61
Pencirian landskap geologi untuk penilaian kepelbagaian: Kajian kes Pulau Anak Datai
Ibrahim Komoo & Tanot Unjah
Page : 1-6
Petroleum geology of the Nam Con Son Basin
Nguyen Trong Tin and Nguyen Dinh Ty
Page : 1-11
Slumping at the late Miocene shelf-edge offshore West Sabah: a view of a turbidite basin margin
B.K. Levell & Awang Kasumajaya
Page : 1-29
Published Works 1822-1967 Part I
Page : 1-48
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : i - ii
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of earth materials in the weathering profile over a porphyritic biotite granite at the Kuala Lumpur - Karak Highway in Peninsular Malaysia
John Kuna Raj
Page : 1 - 11
Tectonics of the Indonesian Region
W. Hamilton
Page : 3-10
The geological heritage values and potential geotourism development of the beaches in Northern Sabah, Malaysia
Joanes Muda
Page : 1-7
Magnitude-rupture Area Scaling Derived From Global Earthquakes of Moderate to Large Sizes: Implications for Seismic Hazards in Indonesia
Meeting the challenge of Penjom Gold Mine’s geology in the recovery of fine gold in carbonaceous ores
Siearra Celastra Sarina Ramli & Ramli Mohd Osman
Page : 1 - 9
Microchemical aids to the identification of minerals developed in the Zone of oxidation, together with certain other non-opaque species, of hardness less than 5, which are of economic importance
K. F. G. Hosking
Page : 1-43
Carbonate banks and ramps on the northern shore of Palaeogene and Early Neogene Borneo: Observations and implications on stratigraphy and tectonic evolution
Franz L. Kessler & John Jong
Page : 1 - 26
Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia
Charles S. Hutchison
Page : 1 - 18
Polyphase deformations and quartz development at Bandar Baru Bangi (South), Selangor
H.D. Tjia & Zaiton Harun
Page : 1-19
Regional north-south Terengganu faults: Besut, Kampung Buluh and Ping-Teris
H.D. Tjia
Page : 1-9
The Role of Carbonate Diagenesis in Exploration and Production from Devonian Pinnacle Reefs, Alberta, Canada
Nigel R. Watts
Page : 1-22
Tin Distribution Patterns
K.F.G. Hosking
Page : 1 – 70
Mergers, acquisitions and alliances: their impact on the petroleum industry in the next millennium
Bill Schaefer, JR.
Page : 1-6
Warta Geologi, Vol. 50, No. 2, August 2024
Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : 53-162
Upper Palaeozoic stratigraphy of the west of Kampar, Perak
Suntharalingam, T.
Page : 1-16
Radioactive apatite-rich “Hot Sands” of the Tenggol Arch: Stratigraphic curiosity or sub-seismic reservoir correlation tool?
John Jong, Franz L. Kessler, Mazlan Madon, Hamdan Mohamad
Page : 1-8
Implications of Trade Liberalisation to Malaysia’s Mining Industry
Azimah Ali
Page : 1-6
Demand and supply for geoscientists in Southeast Asia for the 21st Century
Mike Katz
Page : 3-8
Relationship of gabbro and pillow lavas in the Lupar Formation, West Sarawak: Implications for interpretation of the Lubok Antu Mélange and the Lupar Line
N.S. Haile, S.K. Lam and R.M. Banda
Page : 1-9
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Page : i - ii
Physiographic Implications Of Laterite In West Malaysia
R. J. Eyles
Page : 1 – 7
Sustainable mining of the clay resources In Peninsular Malaysia
Khor Peng Seong
Page : 1-5
C-GC-MS and its application to crude oil analysis
Comet, P.A., Ooi, S.T. & Yap, A.B.
Page : 1 – 25
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of earth materials in the weathering profile over quartz-mica schists of the Seremban area, Negeri Sembilan
John Kuna Raj
Page : 1 - 10
New insight into the recent evolution of the Baram Delta from satellite imagery
Bruno Cline & John Huong
Page : 1-13
A new middle Permian waagenophyllid rugose coral species, Ipciphyllum dilatum sp. nov. from the Shan Plateau, Myanmar
Aung Myo Zaw and Aye Ko Aung
Page : 165-171
Effects of Marikina Faults on groundwater
Majeed M. Faisal, Shariff A.K. Omang and Sanudin Hj. Tahir
Page : 1-10
Late Oligocene-Early Miocene palynological succession from marginal marine deposits, Nyalau Formation, Bintulu Sarawak: Palynostratigraphy, paleovegetation and paleoclimate significance
Zainey Konjing, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Mohd Suhaili Ismail, Numair Ahmed Siddiqui
Page : 17 - 41
Sand injectites in the West Crocker Formation, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Mazlan Madon
Page : 11 - 26
Bibliography and Index Publications of the Geological Society of Malaysia 1967 – 1993: BIBLIOGRAPHY
T.F. Ng
Page : 23 - 94
Clay mineralogy in subsurface sandstones of Malaysia and the effects on petrophysical properties
John A Hill
Page : 15-43
Structural analysis using 3D digital outcrop model: A case study in Kebun 500 outcrop, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia
Tan Yan Eng, Choong Chee Meng, Nur Huda M Jamin, Muhammad Aslam Md Yusof
Page : 172-183
Geology of Kota Kinabalu and its implications to groundwater potential
Majeed Faisal, Shariff A.K. Omang and Sanudin Hj. Tahir
Page : 11-20
Characteristics of the stanniferous alluvium in the southern Kinta Valley, West Malaysia